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Christina Palmrose-Krieger


I am interested in the interaction between insects and the environment, and how insect diversity and distribution impact ecosystem services. 





I am a graduate student completing a MS degree in the 4+1 Biology program, and I have been working in the Martins lab since December 2022. My thesis work involves studying the relationships between insect diversity, species occupancy and the phylogeography of Sceloporus lizards. 




I am currently working in ASU's Natural History Collections on the project Extending Anthophila research through image and trait digitization (Big-Bee). 


As part of our ongoing specimen digitization project, the ASU Insect Collections are capturing label data and generating high-resolution images for over 10,000 bee specimens. Big-Bee connects the public and researchers through the community science platform Notes from Nature, GloBI, and the Big Bee Bonanza project, to crowd-source image data transcription and trait measurements.

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